Join the Pioneer of Whole Food, Plant-Based Nutrition

“Everyone in the field of nutrition science stands on the shoulders of Dr. Campbell, who is one of the giants in the field.”—Dean Ornish, MD

Earn Your Plant-Based Certificate
T. Colin Campbell, PhD

T. Colin Campbell has revolutionized how we think of nutrition for decades. Now—for the health of our bodies and the world’s communities, for the restoration of ecological balance—it’s time we put that knowledge into practice.

T. Colin Campbell, PhD working in a lab

Over 350 research publications, most of which are peer-reviewed

An endowed chair at Cornell University, and the lead scientist on The China Study

“The Grand Prix of epidemiology.”—New York Times

Program Overview

  • 23,000+ students
  • 100% online, learn at your own pace
  • No prerequisites
  • Continuing education credits
  • Interaction, engagement, and nonjudgmental support
  • Delicious WFPB oil-free recipes
  • Practical strategies that have worked for our community members... and can work for you
  • Weekly live Zoom interactions with other members of the community
  • Whole Food, Plant-Based Wellness Challenges
  • The guidance of our highly engaged, knowledgeable, and warm-hearted community hosts

The Total Health Experience: Eat, Play, Learn

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies is excited to present its Caribbean Beach immersion program at the Gran Ventana Resort—the perfect opportunity to relax, focus on wellness, and connect with a supportive community.

    Join our free online community to:

  • Attend monthly workshops led by our inspiring grant recipients
  • Learn from successful community groups around the world
  • Network with advocates for regenerative food systems
  • Obtain resource guides and other actionable tools
  • Learn how you can become part of the solution

Is a Healthy Diet More Expensive?

Perceived expensiveness is the most common deterrent to healthier eating in the US, according to a recent Cleveland Clinic survey, with forty-six percent of people believing eating healthier costs more.[1] But does this perception match reality? The answer depends, in part, on how we define a healthy diet. Although there are a few evidence-based goals … Continued

Social Issues

How to Make Your Healthy Habits More Sustainable

You can give anyone an incredible meal plan, a workout program, and all the most useful information, but if they don’t have the correct mindset to do anything with that information, the healthy habits won’t stick.


Industrial Agriculture Is a Zombie Paradigm (Video)

Andrew Kimbrell is an internationally recognized public interest attorney, public speaker, and author. He is the founder and executive director of Center for Food Safety. As an attorney, Kimbrell has successfully challenged federal agencies in several historic court cases. He initiated the court challenge that resulted in a US Supreme Court victory forcing, for the … Continued

Food Sustainability

Empowering Caribbean People to See that Building Healthy Communities is Possible

Over the past 60 years, the United States has played a heightened role in shaping the food environment in the Caribbean region through trade agreements that benefit US food corporations.

Social Issues

Diminishing Returns in the Pursuit of a Cure for Cancer

Exploring what cutting-edge cancer research looks like today and what we can learn from viewing it through the lens of Dr. Campbell’s research on cancer.

Nutrition Science

Doctors for Nutrition (DFN) Launches Online Plant-Based Nutrition Course for Healthcare Professionals

Doctors For Nutrition (DFN) is an Australasian-based independent charity. Through evidence-based education and outreach, we aim to prevent unnecessary suffering for patients, increase career satisfaction for practitioners, and reduce unsustainable healthcare costs. Evidence shows that a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) eating pattern can prevent, reverse, or significantly reduce the disability caused by the current chronic … Continued

Social Issues

Peruvian Plant-Based Festival Brings Better Nutrition to Community Families

As the first Peruvian project funded by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies (CNS), Ruwasunchis felt honored and responsible for providing an excellent program. And that’s what we did. In our community of San Pablo Mirador, located in Manchay, on the outskirts of Lima, our plant-based program has been revolutionary. Thanks to the … Continued

Social Issues

WFPB Nutrition Fuels Faster and Stronger Half-Marathon

Meet Dr. Laurie. I started working with her around six months ago. She was 53 years young and had already adopted a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) lifestyle, but she was struggling to shift her body composition. Her goal was to lose body fat while building quality lean muscle. Being a doctor, she understood the importance … Continued

Success Stories

Toxic Superfoods is Toxic Misinformation

When I see a patient with a kidney stone, I typically ask for their dietary history. Sometimes the patient only offers a non-committal response that they eat a balanced diet. But we have a saying in nephrology: “The urine does not lie.” A particularly memorable urine sample from a petite teenage boy with a painful … Continued

Nutrition Science